Cargosail, Europe

(0049) 173-2729418


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Concept & Research

More than 90% of the world trade involves sea transport. Long-term social demands to become less dependent on fossil fuels and to implement environmental-friendly shipping modes seem incompatible with short-term economic interests. The central issue of this project is the development of wind-powered and engine-assisted commercial sailing-ship concepts that can compete with existing engine-driven shipping solutions from an economic view point.


The new way of cargo


Operational opportunities


Commercial & Environmental


Transnational professionals


Every type of cargo is unique and different in its demands towards transportation, its timing, its costs and unique way of handling at the seaports. The cargo represents the core of all activities in commercial shipping industry. The cargo-ship itself is nothing else but a very big wheel barrow used to transport cargo. It must be simple, safe and efficient. Our aim is to implement modern wind propulsion systems in shipping industry to make use of the vast and never drying up resource that the global wind-systems have to offer.

Finance R&D

Installation of an “International Wind-Propulsion Research and Development Trust” Shipbuilding industry is quite different from conventional approaches in other technology branches, were long development times, intensive research and the testing of new developed technologies or concepts on the basis of prototypes is common practice. In commercial shipbuilding industry there are no prototypes. All commercial vessels build have therefore to rely on gathered experience from similar, previously build and proven vessels.

R&D for the future

For the building of new wind-powered commercial vessels, there are simply no previously build vessels to rely on. The demands on ship design, layout and construction are too different from conventional commercial vessels for step by step technology uptake.

Shared risks and costs

The risk that comes along with the uptake of radically new system solutions and concepts is more than one single company can tackle. We propose therefore the installation of an “international wind-propulsion research and development trust”.


All interested companies and individual supporters can engage themselves in partly financing the research that is needed to steer commercial shipping into a clean and sustainable future.


The burden is distributed on many shoulders, financial risks are minimized, and the findings of all research done on wind-propulsion-technologies and the Cargo-Sail-Concept will be to the benefit for the whole industry.



Mag.des.Ind. Fritjof Giese

is an Industrial & Naval designer working in the development and construction department of the leading sailing yacht manufacturer HanseGroup. The passionate sailor is an expert in conceptual design for maritime projects. His special focus lies in the combination of sustainable, ecological and bionic systems with design. In January 2012 he graduated in Industrial Design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Since 2009 Fritjof Giese is a co-founder and member of the creative group Madame Mohr. In 2008 he founded "Studio Fritjof Giese", an office and workshop focusing on Industrial and Production Design. Find out more about my study of modern sailing cargo vessels and routes "Maritime cargo transport powered by renewable energy" here ...

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M.SC.-Ing. Siegfried Wagner

born in the south of Germany, Siegfried never the less developed a strong interest towards everything connected to sailing and the sea. After working as a skipper for adventure and experiential education in the Mediterranean Sea for about two years, he started his studies at Hamburg University of Technology in 2007. Specialized on fluid dynamics and ship theory, he more and more focused on the development of modern sailing cargo vessels. This devotion on the subject finally led him to write his masters thesis on this topic. Highly specialized through intensive studies on everything available on wind-propulsion technologies the idea of making use of this knowledge began to grow. In close cooperation with the industrial designer Fritjof Giese, ideas were developed and concepts of new ways of cargo transportation began to sprout.

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